Thursday, August 6, 2009

August 30 @ 1pm
Roark’s House
11337 Shorecrest Ln.
Chesterfield, 23838

If you have a rising 9th grader, we would like to invite y
ou to the 9th grade picnic. We will be celebrating your child as they are rising into 9th grade. Please contact Karen in the church office at 748-8613 to notify her if you are able to attend. We reserve this time for rising 9th graders and their parents/guardians only.

Route 10 Tour

What is it:
The Rt. 10 Tour is a tour of outdoor youth gatherings
throughout our community. Joining together with other youth groups from around the area, we are coming together to promote community among the body of Christ in our county.

Where is it:

The locations and times are at the bottom of this newsletter. The address to each location is there incase you need it.

What do you do:
While at the Rt. 10 Tour there will be activities starting at 6:30p. The activities will change with each location. We will have something for everyone; ranging from kickball,
flag football, soccer, ultimate frisbee, basketball, and sand volleyball to board games, card games, and just hangin’ out. We are out there to have fun and get to know one another, so the activities won’t be super competitive but there will be a ref for each activity, including Scrabble!

How do I get there:
To make sure that we start on time and have everyone there
we ask that you provide your own ride to and from each location. At the entrance to each location there will be balloons to help guide you to the location.

Who will be speaking:

Each one of the youth pastors involved will be sharing on a different aspect of community. Service will end at 8:30p each night.

August 12 Chester YMCA 3011 W Hundred Rd.
August 26 Rockwood Park 3401 Courthouse Rd.
August 19 Thomas Dale HS 3626 W Hundred Rd.
September 2 Ironbridge Park 6600 Whitepine Rd.

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