Thursday, May 7, 2009


NAME: Adam Reuss

We are back! We're sorry it has been a while since our site has been updated. Life has been busy around here in getting prepared for Anniversary Sunday.

Shawn and I have been talking about getting a dog the past month or so. We don’t know what we’re going to get yet. Shawn has her heart set on a labrodoodle. Apparently it’s a mix between a lab and a poodle. They kinda look like a lab with shaggy hair! I kinda like this guy in the picture. I want my dog to be a super hero. Haha. Well maybe he or she wont be a super hero but I do think that all of you are super hero’s. You can be super hero’s in the way you love others. Its really a lot more easy than we make it a lot times. I mean really think about it for a second. You can be a super hero to someone just by the way you treat them. Jesus told some people who were all about serving themselves that even the most insignificant things they do for other people are as if they did it for Christ. Start with the little things.

That’s the word,

-630p Epic Cafe Opens May 6 The Least of These
-650p Epic Cafe Closes May 13 Get Epic
-700p “U” Groups May 20 Celebrate Jesus!
-830p Altar/Dismissal May 27 Get Epic


Also be checking your email for updates. We will be sending you vital info to the email you provided on your application. Please keep Lindsay E, Anthony W and PA in your prayers as they are going on the pre-trip this month.


Date: May 28
Time: 6pm

Grad Sunday is on June 7

“How many more days til I graduate?!?!”
You are almost there! I just want to encourage you Seniors to finish strong! It is so exciting to almost be done with school and going on to the next step in your life. It is such a fun time of year and we want to celebrate your accomplishment together. We wish you the best and can’t wait to see where God takes you after life in high school. Please make sure that you have been receiving information regarding the evening in the mail. If you have a Senior that is graduating this year and has not received any information, please contact the church office as soon as possible.

Film and Culture Review

Friday April 17, 7p-10p
Cstone Bistro Cafe 2p

We had a small group at our last Film and Culture night in the cafe on April 17th, but it was a really great night. I never knew you could draw so many things out of a Pixar movie that relate to life in our culture. Wall-E ended up being a great look at what can happen when we become spiritually lazy. Come and check out our Film and Culture nights this summer as we watch them under the real stars, outside!

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