Thursday, December 4, 2008


This is a question that a lot of people have and we want to hear what you have to say or what questions you might have.


  1. Well, there is many answers to that one. Pretty much summerized answers from this book is they happen for a reason.
    God has his plan for everyone of us. If you were happy with your life and had everything you wanted a big house, money, a great job, or an underground pool whatever your fantasy is, you would pull away from God, right. Like you would be so happy you wouldn't need to turn to God for anything. You would start to fade away from Him. Really think about it.
    But if you suffered you would feel the need to turn to someone right or possibly pull away..? You may curse him, ask him WHY, but it's for you. If you were happy and everything was perfect, what kind of character would you have? Suffering is what makes your character. It also prepares you for more worse things to come in life.
    Not just that the book says it's to show you God's heart. So, you can see the world threw his eyes and see how fallen and full of sin it really is. It's to bring you closer to God. (You can't help someone out or fully understand someone's heart unless you went threw the same experience.) Yeah, you could listen but you won't know how the pain truely is unless you went threw the same thing.
    When your in pain your sometimes like i wish i just die. Like you can't wait to leave earth. That's the point to sure you know that this world is not for you and that you want heaven.
    God doesn't like causing us pain and grief but he does it for us. TO prepare you, to show you the true way the world is, and to see his heart and understand. When people give their life to God they expect to be happy and for him to take the pain away. It's not like that nothing can really take the pain away. But he offers to comfort you and keep you strong even though you may break down every once a while. He offers to always be there and to always love you no matter what. Well I'd say more but it be better to read the book. IT's pretty good. Hpe this answered.

  2. There is a lot of truth to what you have said. God does want you to draw near to him. He does not want harm to come your way, but because there sin entered in this world we do suffer because of the effects of sin. God allows it only to draw us closer to him, to see our need for him. I really liked the end when you said he wants to comfort us and keep us strong. I think as you walk with him in your journey you will see that he can restore you, and make take away the pain. He is the healer. But you are right we do break down again. And then he is there to lift us back up again. He's like the big macho brother we all wish we had that picks us back up, dusts us off, and sticks up for us. One thing we must understand is that nothing evil comes from God. We live in a fallen world and Satan, the enemy, attacks those on God's side but God is not the source of bad things. He may allow us to experience them to bring us closer to him or to witness to others that our faith and our God is more powerful than our circumstances. That is how Paul could sing praise songs when he was in prison because of him sharing the gospel. It was through his praise that others wanted to know what it was to be saved. (Acts 16:16-40) God's word also says that it is through the reading of his word that our faith is built up. So the best way to get through bad times is to be built up in his word, spending time it often, even daily.
    Good response to the question though. It looks like you learned a lot through that book, even if it does have some questionable understandings.
