Tuesday, September 8, 2009


I feel like I was just writing about how school was almost out for the summer. Now it’s time to find those no. 2 pencils and start doing eyeball exercises to get ready for reading. As you may, or may not be getting ready for school, there is something that always comes back around each year. That is a new start. No matter what you did last school year, each of you is given a fresh start with the new school year. (I know you’re probably thinking I’m going to tell you how you have a new start with God through his son Jesus Christ. Very good and very true, but not where I was going.) All your regrets or victories from last year start over too. All your accomplishments and failures in school are behind you and now you live a new day, a new year. What are you prepared to do about it? What opportunities to share God’s love with a hurting friend, or in what ways are you prepared to share your relationship with God with your friends? There are only a few more days until you get back to the crowded hallways of your school, and what are you going to do about it?

Peace out, word to your mother,



-630p Epic Cafe Opens ______________Sept 2 Rt. 10 Tour
-650p Epic Cafe Closes______________ Sept 9 getEpic
-700p “U” Groups __________________Sept 16 getEpic

-830p Altar/Dismissal_______________ Sept 23 getEpic
__________________________________Sept 30 getEpic


Date: Sept 20 _____________ Date: Sept 23 @ 7am

Youth Sunday and See You @ The Pole are coming up on the 20th and 23rd of
September. You don’t want to miss this opportunity to pray for your school, our country, and the upcoming year.


Date: September 10
Time: 6:30p @ Antonio’s

Seniors, it is your time to shine. I want to spend some time getting to talk with only our rising seniors, as we share a meal together at Antonio’s (near Wal-Mart). This is such a special year for you and we want to celebrate you on Thursday, September 10 for dinner at 6:30p. Please bring about $15 for your meal and tip. We are looking forward to all that God is going to do in your last year of high school.

5th Quarter

One Friday night a month
Cstone Bistro Cafe
Time: 8:30-11p

From two of our missions trips this summer, Cambodia and Montana, God has given us a heart to be more intentional with our Café. The high school and college ministries are teaming up to use the Café as a place for people to come and hang out after the local football games. The love God has for us all will be shown through music, comedy, and the arts. Future

September 11
October 16
November 13
December 18