Wednesday, January 7, 2009


Wow, another year in the books. I can’t believe it is almost 2009. This can be exciting or really depressing. That means your one more year closer to being out of school, it is a new start for you. Maybe last year wasn’t the greatest, but you have a new start in 2009. Think of this new year as the beginning of something new that God wants to do in you. A new deeper place that he wants to take you. In The Message Bible Proverbs 1:7 says “Start with God-the first step in learning is bowing down to God; only fools thumb their noses at such wisdom and learning.” Let this new year start with God. You can only go where he wants to take you if you let him teach you. And as my good friend Mr. T would say, “I pity da FOOL!” Let God take your new year and take you to a new level in your relationship with him. Start with him and let him take you from there. I hope you have a Happy New Year! And hey, why not come spend it with us at the New Years Eve Party!?!?!
That’s the word,

-630p Epic Cafe Opens Jan 7 Why Me?
-650p Epic Cafe Closes Jan 14 Why Me?
-700p “U” Groups Jan 21 No Epic
-830p Altar/Dismissal Jan 28 Why Me?

July 18-26 2009
Application Due Feb 21st

THE DATES ARE FINALLY IN FOR THIS YEARS MISSIONS TRIP. We will be working with Rick and Shirl Robinson on the Northern Cheyenne Reservation. The youth will be helping facilitate a summer camp for elementary kids, working with the Boys and Girls Club, and doing work projects on the “rez” for the elderly and foster families. If you turn in a $95 deposit before Dec 25th we’ll give you $50 off your total cost. Applications must be turned in by February 21st.


Friday Jan 16- Monday Jan 19
Depart from church parking lot on Friday Jan 16th @ 3p.

“Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!” Get ready for next years Winter Advance! We are quickly approaching 2009 and that can only mean one thing...WINTER ADVANCE. We will be heading up to Camp Brethren Woods and Massanutten during the Martin Luther King Jr. Day weekend. Pastor Wayne is going to be our guest speaker this year. He is the pastor of a great church in Richmond, Va and has been there for 20 years... oh wait. You all know all that already, sorry about that. If you have ever hung out with PWayne you know how encouraging and knowledgeable he is to be around. P.Wayne will be speaking on godly sexuality and how to make right choices. Sign up for this years Winter Advance next to the youth room. Prices listed below:

$115 For Advance (Same price if hangin’ in the lodge.)
$147 For Adv and Ski or Snowboard Lift Ticket
$171 For Adv and Lift Ticket and Ski/Board Rental
$137 For Adv and Tubing Pass
$143 For Adv and Water Park Pass